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Giving Options

Make a Meaningful Contribution - Options for Giving to Center for Safety & Change

Your donations help to fund our emergency shelter, programs, legal services and community education and influence change in the lives of women and children affected by domestic violence.

Center for Safety & Change (formerly Rockland Family Shelter) offers multiple giving options:

Donate Now
make a donation using your credit card or PayPal through our easy-to-use Donation Form.

Honor/In Memory

Stock Donations

Employer Matching Gifts

Send an e-card


In-Kind Donations
You can donate items needed by our Emergency Residential Shelter

Your generous contributions go toward:

  • Funding daily work through our Emergency Residential Shelter -- Each month, Center for Safety & Change provides # of women and children a sanctuary to recover from the devastation caused by domestic violence.
  • Funding programs -- Whether it is our Mary Weingard Law Program that provides legal assistance to survivors of domestic abuse, or our Safe Mom’s/Safe Kids Program [where is this mentioned in the body of the website?], which helps women and children recover together, your gift is going to a cause that has direct and immediate affect.
  • Funding education -- Our Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program (TDVPP) and Student Activists Ending Dating Abuse (SAEDA) are resources available to high school students involved in an abusive relationship or willing to stand up against dating abuse.

Still have questions? Please call Center for Safety & Change at 845.634.3391, ext. 3050 or email Julika Stackelberg, Director of Development [email protected]. And thank you for giving to Center for Safety & Change.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

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