Main Walk-in Center
9 Johnsons Lane New City, NY 10956
Satellite Offices: Spring Valley and Haverstraw
For More Information
Call 845-634-3391
Fax 845-634-3396
TTY Number 845-634-3119
Today, more than ever before, people are aware that sexual assault is a crime that can happen to anyone.
When the subject of rape is raised, the image that most often flashes into the mind is that of the stranger in the alley. In fact, over 80% of rapes are committed by someone the victim knows, often in a supposedly "safe" environment.
What Do You Do If You Are Raped?
A Rape Crisis Counselor will help you! We offer a helping hand and a strong shoulder at a time when you need it most. We can arrange to meet you at the hospital or police station. We'll be there for you whether or not you decide to press charges.
Pain...Trauma...Its Effects
Sexual assault is a violation of your body, your privacy and your rights.
Often the survivor feels alone as she deals with the trauma. She often has difficulty performing everyday activities, at home and at work. The impact also affects those close to her.
We have learned from survivors of sexual assault that these are some of the things they have experienced: Nightmares, anxiety, depression, inability to sleep, flashbacks, changes in appetite, fear of intimacy. This is known as Rape Trauma Syndrome. The pattern is unique for each individual and may be experienced in varying degrees. But Rape Trauma Syndrome is real.
That's what Rockland Family Shelter's Sexual Trauma Services is all about. Our unique counseling program can help survivors begin their healing process, rediscover their strengths and re-establish a more positive sense of self after the trauma of sexual assault.
Rebuilding Trust...Confidence.
We understand the survivor is feeling very vulnerable and her ability to trust is severely shaken. RFS provides nurturing support, absolute confidentiality and counseling to help sexual abuse survivors recover their self-confidence.
Most importantly, we understand the feeling of being afraid and isolated. RFS provides vital peer support. Help is available whether the assault is current or happened years ago.
Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE)
SAFE is part of an innovative nationwide movement that recognizes the need for compassionate, non-judgmental care for persons reporting a sexual assault. Examiners are expert at comprehensive assessment and identification of injuries and objective documentation. These forensic (legal) skills are provided with a concern for and an understanding of the emotional and social impact of a sexual assault.
If you have been sexually assaulted and call the Hotline at 845-634-3344, a Rape Crisis Counselor will speak with you about your options, including the choice to report to the hospital Emergency Department for a compassionate and thorough examination by the Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner. Once at the hospital Emergency Department, the Rape Crisis Counselor and the Examiner will explain what your rights are and what choices you have. Included in these options are examinations, medications to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, emergency contraception, evidence collection, police notification, and or pressing charges against the attacker. You will not be pressured to make any choice- you will be given the option to consent to any of these services freely. You can choose any or all of these services. If you want the evidence collected from your body but are not sure if you want to press charges, the evidence will be held for 30 days while you consider your options.
If you have been assaulted, please call the Hotline at 845-634-3344 for more information. If you think you might want the evidence collected, we ask you not to shower, use the bathroom, brush your teeth, change you clothes, or eat or drink anything before you come to the hospital Emergency Department.